Topic: Harrison's Nephrology And Acid Base Disorders (PDF Version)
Harrison's Nephrology And Acid Base Disorders - 2010
The Editors of Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine refer to it as the “Mother Book,” a description that confers respect but also acknowledges its size and its ancestral status among the growing list of Harrison’s products, which now include Harrison’s Manual of Medicine, Harrison’s Online, and Harrison’s Practice, an online, highly structured reference for point-of-care use and continuing education. This book, Harrison’s Nephrology and Acid-Base Disorders, is a compilation of chapters related to kidney function.
Our readers consistently note the sophistication of the material in the specialty sections of Harrison’s. Our goal was to bring this information to our audience in a more compact and usable form. Because the topic is more focused, it is possible to enhance the presentation of the material by enlarging the text and the tables. We have also included a Review and Self-Assessment section that includes questions and answers to provoke reflection and to provide additional teaching points.
Renal dysfunction, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders are among the most common problems faced by the clinician. Indeed, hyponatremia is consistently the most frequently searched term for readers of Harrison’s Online. Unlike some specialties, there is no specific renal exam. Instead, the specialty relies heavily on laboratory tests, urinalyses, and characteristics of urinary sediments. Evaluation and management of renal disease also requires a broad knowledge of physiology and pathology since the kidney is involved in many systemic disorders. Thus, this book considers a broad spectrum of topics including acid-base and electrolyte disorders, vascular injury to the kidney, as well as specific diseases of the kidney.
Medical Guideline Books