Topic: Medical Guideline Books-6

The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        The Pediatric Diagnostic Examination

        Donald E. Greydanus, MD
            Professor, Pediatrics & Human Development Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Pediatrics Program Director Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies Kalamazoo, Michigan
        Arthur N. Feinberg, MD
            Professor, Pediatrics & Human Development Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Pediatric Clinic Director Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies Kalamazoo, Michigan
        Dilip R. Patel, MD
            Professor, Pediatrics & Human Development Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies Kalamazoo, Michigan
        Douglas N. Homnick, MD, MPH
            Professor, Pediatrics & Human Development Michigan State University College of Human Medicine Director, Division of Pediatric Pulmonology Cystic Fibrosis Center Director Pediatrics Program Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies Kalamazoo, Michigan

        With the advent of modern technology and specialization, there have been major advances in medicine that have greatly improved the accuracy and timeliness of diagnosis. However, with these good things come caveats :

        A significant improvement does not mean perfection.
        Technology is expensive, and physicians must use it with discretion.
        We still must employ the art of clinical diagnosis with a thorough and skillful history and physical examination to help choose among our many technical options.

        Primary care pediatricians taking care of children must learn when it is appropriate to refer to a specialist and how to present the specialist with relevant and useful information.
        There are many excellent standard textbooks of pediatrics and of adult physical diagnosis, including De Gowin’s, a timeless system- atic approach to diagnosis. However, there remains a need for a more general yet concise systematic overview of pediatric diagnosis geared toward the student and resident but useful to anyone car- ing for children. The goal of this book is to present a diagnostic framework on which a learner can build his or her “databank” of diagnostic facts. The format of each systems-based chapter consists of an “Introduction,” “Physiology and Mechanics,” “Functional Anatomy,” “History,” “Physical Examination,” “Synthesizing a Diagnosis,” “Laboratory and Imaging,” and “When to Refer.” We have attempted in the “Synthesizing a Diagnosis” sections to present the material in tabular form whenever possible so that the learner has more concise and digestible information. There is some variability among the chapters because different systems lend themselves to different approaches. For example, dermatology is more of a “visual art” with less emphasis on history. Probably the most “divergent” chapter is Chapter 17, “The Psychodiagnostic Examination.” The author felt that the reader should learn to “think like a psychiatrist.”
        For conciseness, we are limited in selecting the most common diagnoses, which we feel all practitioners, beginners and advanced, should “have in their heads.” However, this should never discour- age anyone from consulting books and online resources for any clinical encounter.

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Medical Guideline Books

Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Textbook Of Stroke Medicine  (PDF Version)

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        Textbook Of Stroke Medicine

        Michael Brainin MD FESO FAHA
            Center of Clinical Neurosciences, Danube University, Krems, Austria
        Wolf-Dieter Heiss MD
            Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany

        This book is designed to improve the teaching and learning of stroke medicine in postgraduate educa- tional programs. It is targeted at “beginning special- ists”, either medical students with a deeper interest or medical doctors entering the field of specialized stroke care. Therefore the text contains what is considered essential for this readership but, in addi- tion, goes into much greater depth, e.g. the coverage of less frequent causes of stroke, and describing the more technical facets and settings of modern stroke care.
        The textbook leads the reader through the many causes of stroke, its typical manifestations, and the practical management of the stroke patient. We have tried to keep the clinical aspects to the fore, giving relative weight to those chapters that cover clinically important issues; however, the pathological, patho- physiological and anatomical background is included where necessary. The book benefits from the experi- ence of many specialized authors, thereby providing expert coverage of the various topics by international authorities in the field. In places this leads to some differences of opinion in the approach to particular patients or conditions; as Editors we have tried not to interfere with the individual character of each chapter, leaving only duplicate presentations when they were handled from different topological or didac- tic aspects, e.g. on genetics or rarer forms of diseases.
        The development of this textbook has been trig- gered by the “European Master in Stroke Medicine Programme” held at Danube University in Austria. This program has been fostered by the European Stroke Organisation and has been endorsed by the World Stroke Organization. This book has been shaped by the experiences of the lecturers – most of them also leading authors for our chapters – and the feedback of our students during several runs of this course. Thus, we hope to satisfy the needs of students and young doctors from many different countries, both within and outside Europe.
        Finally, we would like to thank Dr Susanne Heiss for her expert editorial assistance and her diligent and expert help in summarizing the chapters’ contents. Thanks also to Nick Dunton and his team at Cambridge University Press for their help and patience.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Textbook Of Pharmaceutical Medicine  (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        Textbook Of Pharmaceutical Medicine - 6th Edition

        John P. Griffin, BSc, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, FFPM
            Director, Asklepieion Consultancy Ltd. Formerly Director of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, London Formerly Professional Head of the Medicines Division, DOH, London (now MHRA)

        The UK is at the forefront in the recognition of pharma- ceutical medicine as a fulfilling career for physicians, enabling them to make a major contribution to patient and public welfare, both in terms of bringing new medicines to market and of ensuring their safe and effective use. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine has been instrumental in supporting pharma- ceutical physicians and in achieving specialty recogni- tion in the UK in order to achieve and ensure the practice of the highest standards for the benefit of patients. As with all other recognised medical specialt- ies in the UK, achievement of specialist registration confers a comparable standard of professional compet- ence. As such, speciality training in pharmaceutical medicine will continue to evolve in line with other UK specialties.
        The term ‘pharmaceutical physician’ came into use in the mid-1970s and, in 1986, AMAPI changed its name to BrAPP – British Association of Pharma- ceutical Physicians – to reflect this new nomenclature.
        AMAPI grew rapidly from its original 20 or so members to about 700 in the mid-1980s of whom around one-quarter were from overseas. An enlight- ened group of physicians from within this fraternity realised that if pharmaceutical physicians were to develop further their chosen career paths within medicine, they needed to establish an organisation alongside the medical Royal Colleges which would set and continually develop high ethical and professional standards in the practice of pharmaceutical medicine. The primary aim of this charitable organisation would be to promote the science of, and knowledge in, the field of pharmaceutical medicine for the benefit of patients and the public – a different remit from that of the AMAPI.
        For UK pharmaceutical physicians, revalidation, involving relicensing as a physician, and recertifica- tion for those who are on the specialist register, will be mandatory within the next few years if those physi- cians want to remain licensed to practise with the GMC. It will be the responsibility of the Faculty to put in place for its physicians a system for recertification whose processes and standards are acceptable to the GMC. The Faculty will also be working with the GMC to enable all pharmaceutical physicians to relicense and remain on the general medical register.
        Pharmaceutical medicine has come a long way and would not be recognisable, in terms of its accept- ance as a specialty and the consequent high standards it demands, to those physicians who gave advice to drug wholesalers and companies while undertaking their main medical practice some 60 years ago. But it still has a long way to go. It is recognised as a spe- cialty in only a very few countries other than the UK (Mexico, Switzerland, Eire) and few countries hold examinations of an equivalent standard to the UK Diploma of Pharmaceutical Medicine. Yet it is a global specialty and, in the interests of patient and public safety and benefit, there needs to be an extension of the standards set by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine in the UK and similar bodies elsewhere, so that pharmaceutical medicine becomes recognised as a medical specialty in all countries where it is practised.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Rudolph's Pediatrics (CHM Version)

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        Rudolph's Pediatrics - 21st Edition

        Colin D. Rudolph MD, PhD
            Professor and Chief - Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
        Abraham M. Rudolph MD
            Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics - School of Medicine, University of California-San Francisco, San Francisco, California

        The 21st edition of Rudolph's Pediatrics continues a tradition of evolving and adapting to changes in pediatric medicine. Originally published in 1897 as Diseases of Infancy and Childhood, written by L. Emmett Holt, the editors have consistently strived not only to provide descriptions of the clinical features and treatment of diseases of childhood but also to review the biologic principles underlying these processes. Achieving this goal is increasingly challenging during this era due to the extraordinary explosion of knowledge in all areas of pediatrics that has been spurred by our increased understanding of the molecular basis of disease and the rapid emergence of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment.
        In an effort to adapt to these changes, the twenty-first edition of Rudolph's Pediatrics has been extensively revised. I have been aided in this endeavor by the previous editor, my father, Abraham M. Rudolph. The editorial expertise and perspective has been further expanded by the addition of three new co-editors, Margaret K. Hostetter, George Lister, and Norman J. Siegel. New associate editors participated in updating and reorganizing twenty of the twenty-seven chapters. A new chapter edited by Norman Siegel provides a concise overview of contemporary diagnostic techniques utilized across pediatric specialties. Other chapters were reorganized to align with emerging specialties in pediatric medicine. The chapter on toxicology and accidents has been replaced by a chapter on emergency medicine and critical care to provide more focused discussions on the management of the acutely ill child. The chapter on ethical issues in pediatrics has been expanded to include a review of terminal and palliative care and coping with the dying child. A new section on rehabilitation and care of the disabled child provides guidance on the management of this expanding population of children. The previous chapter on genetic disorders and birth defects has been expanded into two new chapters, one that discusses metabolic disorders and the other on genetics and dysmorphology.
        In the previous edition, we introduced sections focused on the approach to diagnosis and management of various symptom complexes. These were often presented in algorithmic form. Because this was well received, most chapters in this edition now include sections on the approach to evaluation of relevant symptom presentations. In order to maintain the textbook as a single volume, we often needed to limit the discussion of various topics. Hopefully, the numerous changes in this edition continue the tradition of providing a balanced, comprehensive resource to aid health professionals in the care of infants and children.

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Medical Guideline Books

Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

The Orthopaedic Physical Examination - Bruce Reider  (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        The Orthopaedic Physical Examination - Bruce Reider - 2nd Edition

        Bruce Reider, AB, MD
            Professor of Surgery Section of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine The University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine Director of Sports Medicine The University of Chicago Hospitals Chicago, Illinois

        Human anatomy only changes at the glacial rate of evo- lution, but our knowledge of it continues to advance rap- idly. The same can be said for the orthopaedic physical examination: Although the spectrum of human injury and disease changes little over time, our understanding of it continues to improve, and with it, the tests that we devise to detect pathologic conditions. Hence, the second edition of The Orthopaedic Physical Examination.
        The first goal of this edition is to incorporate new exam techniques that have been introduced since the first edition was composed. Newer imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance and arthroscopy have allowed us to discern abnormalities that previously went undetected. Novel exam techniques have been introduced to diagnose these conditions, and they have been incorporated into the text. In other cases, clinical studies have been done to delineate the accuracy of new or established tests. This knowledge has been added to the text in order to put the reliability of the tests into perspective.
        The second edition does a lot more than just update the existing text, however. A number of new features have been introduced to augment the utility of the book to our readers. Photographs of real people are essential to a book such as this one, because we are routinely faced with the challenge of examining real people in our clinical prac- tices. Nevertheless, line drawings can serve a useful didac- tic purpose by simplifying and explaining the complex
        images contained in photographs. Over fifty line draw- ings now serve to amplify the photographs of the first edi- tion. One popular feature of The Orthopaedic Physical Examination has been the photographs of abnormal physical findings. More of these, collected by the authors since the first edition, have been added to this edition.
        I have always taught that the first and most impor- tant part of any physical examination is taking a good patient history. Several new features are designed to teach important points of the clinical history for each body area and to help the reader relate the history to the physical exam. Text boxes outline the course to take "When the patient complains of..." different physical symptoms. A table at the end of each chapter lists the key "take home points" for each section. The tables that summarize the physical findings for different injuries and conditions have been retained and expanded.
        The Orthopaedic Physical Examination continues to have as its goal serving as the definitive text of orthopaedic exam techniques for clinicians of all back- grounds, from the experienced specialist who wishes to compare the various tests that have been described for diagnosing tears of the glenoid labrum to the beginning generalist who would like to learn to detect an effusion in the knee. Our new features are designed to be useful to all our readers, and are offered in gratitude for your warm response to the first edition.
        Human anatomy only changes at the glacial rate of evo- lution, but our knowledge of it continues to advance rap- idly. The same can be said for the orthopaedic physical examination: Although the spectrum of human injury and disease changes little over time, our understanding of it continues to improve, and with it, the tests that we devise to detect pathologic conditions. Hence, the second edition of The Orthopaedic Physical Examination.
        The first goal of this edition is to incorporate new exam techniques that have been introduced since the first edition was composed. Newer imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance and arthroscopy have allowed us to discern abnormalities that previously went undetected. Novel exam techniques have been introduced to diagnose these conditions, and they have been incorporated into the text. In other cases, clinical studies have been done to delineate the accuracy of new or established tests. This knowledge has been added to the text in order to put the reliability of the tests into perspective.
        The second edition does a lot more than just update the existing text, however. A number of new features have been introduced to augment the utility of the book to our readers. Photographs of real people are essential to a book such as this one, because we are routinely faced with the challenge of examining real people in our clinical prac- tices. Nevertheless, line drawings can serve a useful didactic purpose by simplifying and explaining the complex
        images contained in photographs. Over fifty line draw- ings now serve to amplify the photographs of the first edi- tion. One popular feature of The Orthopaedic Physical Examination has been the photographs of abnormal physical findings. More of these, collected by the authors since the first edition, have been added to this edition.
        I have always taught that the first and most impor- tant part of any physical examination is taking a good patient history. Several new features are designed to teach important points of the clinical history for each body area and to help the reader relate the history to the physical exam. Text boxes outline the course to take "When the patient complains of..." different physical symptoms. A table at the end of each chapter lists the key "take home points" for each section. The tables that summarize the physical findings for different injuries and conditions have been retained and expanded.
        The Orthopaedic Physical Examination continues to have as its goal serving as the definitive text of orthopaedic exam techniques for clinicians of all back- grounds, from the experienced specialist who wishes to compare the various tests that have been described for diagnosing tears of the glenoid labrum to the beginning generalist who would like to learn to detect an effusion in the knee. Our new features are designed to be useful to all our readers, and are offered in gratitude for your warm response to the first edition.

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Medical Guideline Books

Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Textbook Of Pediatric Emergency Medicine  (CHM Version)

        Textbook Of Pediatric Emergency Medicine - 6th Edition - 2010

        Gary R. Fleisher MD
            Egan Family Foundation Professor - Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Pediatrician-in-Chief and Chair, Department of Medicine, Children's Hospital of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts
        Stephen Ludwig MD
            Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine - University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Senior Advisor for Medical Education, John H. and Hortense Cassel Jensen Chair, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

        The term “innovation” has found its way into many conversations in recent times. Whether the topic is medical care, medical education, research, or advocacy—innovation is the mantra. As we bring forth the 6th edition of the Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, the term “innovation” is on our minds as well.
        Certainly, as we look back, we note the very dramatic innovations that have taken place in our subspecialty. Prior to our first edition in 1983, there was no official subspecialty of pediatric emergency medicine either in pediatrics or in emergency medicine. Current day trainees cannot fathom that historical perspective. Many of the treatments, testing modalities, procedural techniques, technologic aids, and organized approaches to care of the ill or injured child did not exist. For example, there were no dedicated trauma centers and no attention to the elements of the emergency medical services system for children (EMSC). Certainly, there was little in the way of new knowledge being developed through research. Teaching methods were also very primitive and there were no basic training programs like Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS), or advanced fellowship training programs. We would like to think that the Textbook of Pediatric Emergency Medicine helped to spark the creation of a new subspecialty and stimulated the many, many innovations that have helped children across the United States and around the world. It gives a great sense of pride to think that our textbook has played some small part in the development of the now more than 1,400 board-certified Pediatric Emergency Medicine specialists, of more than 65 fellowship training programs in the United States and Canada, of the PALS and APLS courses, of the PECARN Research Network, and of the many local and regional CME courses that have helped emergency physicians and pediatricians stay abreast of the latest and most efficient therapies.
        But while reflecting on the innovations of the past is satisfying, it is not as important as thinking about the innovations of the future. We hope that this 6th edition will continue to stimulate improvement. To do so, we have revised and updated each and every chapter. Suggested readings now come from the current era of publications. We have added to and expanded our table of contents by including chapters on palpitations, cystic fibrosis, travel-related emergencies, and ultrasound. In particular, there is a new chapter on practice pathways; establishing such pathways will be very important to our future, as we focus on quality and safety and gauge practice variations among our various centers. Our chapter authors formerly came from subspecialty perspectives and now they primarily are practicing PEM specialists. Many of our authors have become experts in some subfield of PEM.
        In this edition we have enlisted the help of three new associate editors: Richard Bachur, Marc Gorelick, and Kathy Shaw. These individuals symbolize the new era of PEM specialists who are all fellowship trained. They represent a next generation of PEM leaders.
        With this edition of the textbook, we are also offering the text on the TPEM website. This will make it possible for the owner of the text to use the book in the traditional way and also to have online access to updated information, journal articles from Pediatric Emergency Care, interactive practice pathways, and other helpful features. The TPEM website will transform the book into a living document always capable of growth and development.
        Whether the innovation is of the past or of the future, we feel honored to be a part of this great professional movement that has helped so many children and families. Pediatric care in the Emergency Department is now more effective, safer, more pain free, and kinder and more supportive of children and families. No longer is the Emergency Department the “pit” as it was often referred to at many training centers in decades past. Now it is a great place for patient care, teaching, research, and advocacy. Many of our readers tell us—“I keep your book open in the ED.” “I like it because it tells me what to do and what not to miss.” “I always carry it with me on-call.” Indeed, these were our motivation for writing this text in the early 1980's. Beyond all of our innovations, this feedback continues to be our constant and guiding principle.

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Medical Guideline Books

Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Human Diseases And Conditions (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        Human Diseases And Conditions - 2nd Edition

        EUGENE W. STRAUS, M.D.
            Emeritus Professor of Medicine State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn Downstate Medical Center
        LARRY I. LUTWICK, M.D.
            Professor of Medicine State University of New York, Downstate Medical School Director of Infectious Diseases Veterans Affairs New York Harbor Health Care System, Brooklyn Campus
        STEPHAN L. KAMHOLZ, M.D., M.A.C.P., F.C.C.P.
            Chairman, Department of Medicine North Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center David J. Greene Professor of Medicine New York University School of Medicine Adjunct Professor of Medicine Albert Einstein College of Medicine State University of New York Downstate College of Medicine

        Human Diseases and Conditions, Second Edition, is a health reference product designed to inform and educate readers about a wide variety of diseases and conditions, nutrition and dietary practices, treatments and drugs, as well as other issues associated with general health. Cengage Learning believes the product to be comprehensive, but not necessarily definitive. It is intended to supplement, not replace, consultation with a physician or other healthcare practitioner.
        While Cengage Learning has made substantial efforts to provide information that is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, Cengage Learning makes no representations or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, nor does it guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness, or timeliness of the information contained in this product.
        Readers should be aware that the universe of medical knowledge is constantly growing and changing, and that differences of opinion exist among authorities. Readers are also advised to seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition, and to discuss information obtained from this product with their healthcare provider.

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Medical Guideline Books

Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Hutchison's Clinical Methods - An Integrated Approach To Clinical Practice (CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        Hutchison's Clinical Methods - An Integrated Approach To Clinical Practice - 22nd Edition

        Michael Swash MD FRCP MRCPath (Author),
        Michael Glynn MA MD FRCP FHEA ILTM (Author)

        Hutchison's Clinical Methods, first published over a century ago, is the classic textbook on clinical examination. It provides an outstanding source of learning and reference for undergraduate medical students and postgraduate doctors. It seeks to teach an integrated approach to clinical practice, so that new methods and investigations are grafted onto established patterns of clinical practice, rather than added on as something extra. The text is organised so that both system-related and problem-oriented chapters are included. Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of the doctor-patient relationship, the essential skills needed for clinical examination, and for planning the appropriate choice of investigations in diagnosis and management.
        Provides a comprehensive account of the traditional methods of patient history-taking and examination but updated with a full account of the role of modern investigative techniques.A book for students of all ages and all degrees of experience.The most comprehensive account of clinical methods on the market.
        Contents re-ordered into five sections: *The approach to the patient * General assessment * Basic systems * Clinical specialties * EthicsNew editor joins the textbook - Dr Michael GlynnCompletely new text presentation and page designAll line drawings redrawn for improved clarityNew chapters on: * Nutritional assessment * Diabetes and other metabolic disorders * Intensive care unit * Pain * The face, mouth, jaws and neck.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Williams - Obstetrics And Gynecology (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        Williams - Obstetrics - 23rd Edition
        Williams - Gynecology - 2008

        Obstetrics :
            F. Gary Cunningham, MD; Kenneth J. Leveno, MD; Steven L. Bloom, MD; John C. Hauth, MD; Dwight J. Rouse, MD; Catherine Y. Spong, MD
        Gynecology :
            John O. Schorge, MD; Joseph I. Schaffer, MD; Lisa M. Halvorson, MD; Barbara L. Hoffman, MD; Karen D. Bradshaw, MD; F. Gary Cunningham, MD

        Obstetrics :
            In this 23rd edition of Williams Obstetrics, we continue to emphasize the science-based underpinnings and evidence-based practices of our specialty. Most professional and academic organizations embrace these principles, and while some promulgate guidelines and recommendations, others provide funding for such investigations. Our policy is to cite these whenever possible.
            A major impetus for these studies comes from the Eunice Shriver Kennedy National Institute of Child Health and Human Development—also called the NICHD. For many decades, this Institute has supported basic and clinical research to improve healthcare for women and children. We especially rely on investigations performed through NICHD-sponsored Maternal-Fetal Medicine Units and Neonatal Units Networks. There is also fiscal support for young investigators in obstetrics and allied specialties that comes from a number of societies and organizations.
            Among others, these include the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society, the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, the Society for Gynecological Investigation, and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
        Gynecology :
            The first edition of Williams Obstetrics was published over a century ago. Since then, the editors of this seminal text have presented a comprehensive and evidence-based discussion of obstetrics. Patterned after our patriarch, Williams Gynecology provides a thorough presentation of gynecology's depth and breadth. In Section 1, general gynecology topics are covered, whereas Sections 2 through 4 offer content on the gynecologic subspecialties. Of note, the developing field of female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery is presented.
            Traditionally, gynecologic information has been offered either within the format of a didactic text or that of a surgical atlas. However, because the day-to-day activities of a gynecologist blend these two, so too do we. The initial five sections of our book describe the evaluation and medical treatment of gynecologic problems. The remaining section offers an illustrated atlas for the surgical correction of these conditions.
            Discussions of disease evaluation and treatment are evidence based, and our text strives to assist the practicing gynecologist and resident.
            Accordingly, chapters are extensively complemented by illustrations, photographs, diagnostic algorithms, and treatment tables.

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Medical Guideline Books


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CURRENT - Diagnosis And Treatment - Surgery(CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        CURRENT - Diagnosis And Treatment - Surgery - 13th Edition

        Gerard M. Doherty

        Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Surgery is a ready source of information about diseases managed by surgeons. Like other books in this Lange series, it emphasizes quick recall of major diagnostic features and brief descriptions of disease processes, followed by approaches for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and pathology are discussed to the extent that they contribute to the ultimate purpose of the book, which is guidance for patient care. About one-third of the book is focused on general medical and surgical topics important in the management of all patients.
        The book also includes limited current references to journal literature for the reader who wishes to pursue specific additional detail. Because of the concise nature of this text, more focused exploration may be useful to gain detail in specific areas.
        Along with the customary revision of all sections as called for by changing concepts in each field covered, the following major changes have been made.
        This has been a particularly complete revision with extensive changes to every chapter to update the material, and the addition of several new chapters as detailed above.
        The work is now presented in a two-color format to clarify the organizational levels, and with color added to the artwork.
        A CD of “Quick Answers: Surgery” is included for a quick look-up of surgical diagnosis & treatment.


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Medical Guideline Books


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CURRENT - Diagnosis And Treatment - Cardiology (CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        CURRENT - Diagnosis And Treatment - Cardiology - 3rd Edition

        Michael H. Crawford

        Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Cardiology is designed to be a concise discussion of the essential knowledge needed to diagnose and manage cardiovascular diseases. Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Cardiology cannot be considered a condensed textbook because detailed pathophysiologic discussions are omitted; there are no chapters on diagnostic techniques; and rare or obscure entities are not included. Also, it is not a cardiac therapeutics text because diagnostic techniques, prevention strategies, and prognosis are fully discussed.
        The 36 chapters in Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Cardiology cover the major disease entities and therapeutic challenges in cardiology. There are chapters on major management issues in cardiology such as pregnancy and heart disease, the use of anticoagulants in heart disease, and the perioperative evaluation of heart disease patients. Each section is written by experts in the particular area, but has been extensively edited to ensure a consistent approach throughout the book and the kind of readability found in single-author texts.
        Since the second edition the book has changed somewhat. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised and the references updated, often by new authors. A new chapter has been added on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and the chapters covering thoracic aortic diseases have been combined into one. My hope is that the book is found useful and improves patient care. Also, I hope it is an educational tool that improves knowledge of cardiac diseases. Finally, I hope it stimulates clinical research in areas where our knowledge is incomplete.


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Medical Guideline Books


Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

CT And MRI Of The Whole Body - John Haaga (CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        CT And MRI Of The Whole Body - John Haaga - 5th Edition - 2 VOLUMES

        John R. Haaga, MD, FACR, FSIR
            Professor of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine - Emeritus Chairman and Professor of Radiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
        Vikram S. Dogra, MD
            Professor of Radiology, Urology, and Biomedical Engineering, Associate Chair of Education and Research, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry - Affiliate Professor, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York
        Michael Forsting, MD, PhD
            Director of University Hospital of Essen, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and Neuroradiology, Essen, Germany
        Robert C. Gilkeson, MD
            Section Head of Thoracic Radiology, Department of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio
        Hyun Kwon Ha, MD
            Professor of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine - Professor and Chief of Gastrointestinal Section, Department of Radiology, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Republic of Korea
        Murali Sundaram, MD
            Professor of Radiology, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio

        This fifth edition of CT and MRI of the Whole Body is noteworthy for many reasons. Imaging technology has evolved remarkably since publication of the fourth edition, affording better equipment, images, and software to launch a revolution in disease diagnosis.
        Advances in CT include improved spatial, contrast, and temporal resolution, which generates improved images of virtually all organ systems. The wide detector systems of MDCT and rapid image acquisition now permit imaging of the moving heart itself. Subsecond scan times combined with ECG gating allow evaluation of coronary arteries.
        MRI improvements include more sophisticated pulsing sequences, subtraction methods, and better signal-to-noise ratios. Instruments with higher field strength improve spatial and temporal resolution and provide higher-quality spectroscopy. Faster image acquisition permits visualization of cardiac function, cine mode evaluation of chamber function, and quantitative methods for cardiac output. Better MRA studies of the cerebral and other vessels are possible.

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Medical Guideline Books


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Fundamentals Of Anatomy And Physiology(PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        Fundamentals Of Anatomy And Physiology - 3rd Edition

        Donald C. Rizzo, PhD
            Biology Department Head Professor of Biology Marygrove College Detroit, Michigan

        Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Third Edition, was written and designed for learners pursuing careers in the allied health fields. It is written in clear, concise, and easily understandable scientific language and presupposes no previous biology exposure. This text will guide you along a journey of understanding how the human body operates on a daily basis from birth to death. The writing style and presentation will assist introductory learners with limited backgrounds in the sciences to comprehend the basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology, and the fascinating working mechanisms of our bodies.
        Several features are incorporated into each chapter to help you master the content. Review the “How to Use This Book” section on page xxvi for a detailed description and benefit of each feature.

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Medical Guideline Books


Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Harper's - Illustrated Biochemistry(CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        Harper's - Illustrated Biochemistry - 28th Edition

        Robert K. Murray, MD, PhD
            Professor (Emeritus) of Biochemistry - University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario
        David A. Bender, PhD
            Sub-Dean - University College Medical School - Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry - Department of Structural and Molecular Biology and Division of Medical Education - University College London
        Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc
            Professor of Biochemistry - Royal Veterinary College - University of London
        Peter J. Kennelly, PhD
            Professor and Head - Department of Biochemistry - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, Virginia
        Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
            Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry - Purdue University - West Lafayette, Indiana
        P. Anthony Weil, PhD
            Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics - Vanderbilt University School of Medicine - Nashville, Tennessee

        The authors and publisher are pleased to present the twentyeighth edition of Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry. This edition features for the first time multiple color images, many entirely new, that vividly emphasize the ever-increasing complexity of biochemical knowledge. The cover picture of green fluorescent protein (GFP), which recognizes the award of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Martin Chalfie, Roger Y. Tsien, and Osamu Shimomura, reflects the book's emphasis on new developments. Together with its derivatives, GFP fulfills an ever-widening role in tracking protein movement in intact cells and tissues, and has multiple applications to cell biology, biochemistry and medicine.
        In this edition, we bid a regretful farewell to long-time author and editor, Daryl Granner. In 1983, in preparation for the 20th edition, Daryl was asked to write new chapters on the endocrine system and the molecular mechanism of hormones, which he did with great success. He assumed responsibility for the chapters on membranes, protein synthesis and molecular biology in the 21st edition, and wrote a highly informative new chapter on the then emerging field of recombinant DNA technology. Over the ensuing 25 years, through the 27th edition, Daryl continuously revised his chapters to provide concise, instructive descriptions of these rapidly changing, complex fields. Daryl's editorial colleagues express their gratitude for his many invaluable contributions as an author, editor and a friend, and wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
        David Bender, Kathleen Botham, Peter Kennelly, and Anthony Weil, formerly co-authors, are now full authors. Rob Murray gratefully acknowledges the major contributions of Peter Gross, Fred Keeley, and Margaret Rand to specific chapters, and thanks Reinhart Reithmeier, Alan Volchuk, and David B. Williams for reviewing and making invaluable suggestions for the revision of Chapters 40 and 46. In addition, he is grateful to Kasra Haghighat and Mohammad Rassouli-Rashti for reading and suggesting improvements to Chapter 54.

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Medical Guideline Books


Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Epilepsy - A Comprehensive Textbook (PDF Version)

    SOURCE :
        Epilepsy - A Comprehensive Textbook - 2nd Edition - VOLUME 1 To 3

        Jerome Engel Jr. MD, PhD
            Jonathan Sinay Distinguished Professor of Neurology - Neurobiology, and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Director of the UCLA Seizure Disorder Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, California
        Timothy A. Pedley MD
            Henry and Lucy Moses Professor of Neurology and Chairman - Department of Neurology, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University; Neurologist-in-Chief, The Neurological Institute of New York, The New York-Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia University Medical Center, New York, New York

        A decade has intervened between the first and second editions of Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook. The process of revision afforded a unique opportunity to observe the extraordinary advances in research and the great improvements in clinical care that have occurred during this time. New insights into the basic mechanisms of seizures and epilepsy can be attributed largely to the increased application of cellular and molecular biology to the study of epileptic phenomena. In addition, there have been more direct investigations of patients using the tools of genetics and various brain imaging techniques. All aspects of treatment have improved, and both seizure control and quality of life for people with epilepsy are better today than ever before.
        This progress is symbolized by noting that the second edition contains 20 more chapters than the first, of which 42 are completely new and 251 have been extensively rewritten. There were 351 contributors in the first edition; there are 444 in the second, of whom 225 are returning authors and 219 are new. As a result, although the book's outline follows that of the first edition, this is essentially an entirely new textbook.
        As with the first edition, our objective with the second is to create a comprehensive textbook that addresses all aspects of epilepsy, from basic pathophysiology at cellular, molecular and organ levels to clinical phenomenology, diagnostic evaluation, treatment options, comorbidities, psychosocial rehabilitation and health care delivery. All chapters are written by distinguished experts in each field, and most have two or more authors representing different points of view to provide an authoritative consensus on each topic. Selection of editors and authors was designed to assure a perspective that is truly international. Therapeutic recommendations are evidence-based to the extent that is currently possible.
        With completion of the second edition, we are acutely aware how much we owe to the section editors and, especially, our associate editors, all of whom are themselves internationally recognized experts in epilepsy. Without their help, chapters would not have been as consistently rigorous, balanced or current.
        We also note with sadness the passing of colleagues who participated in the first edition, many of whom also contributed, or were scheduled to contribute, to the second. They include John Fred Annegers, Frank Benson, Fritz E. Dreifuss, John R. Gates, Richard W. Homan, Peter Kellaway, Pierre Loiseau, Eric Lothman, K. S. Mani, Frank Morrell, Claudio Munari, J. Kiffen Penry, Luis Felipe Quesney, A. James Rowan, Masakazu Seino, Arthur Sonnen and Sheila J. Wallace. We miss them, but they live on through their work and accomplishments, and the fond memories we have of them.
        The first edition of Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook was intended to be a work in progress, a basis for developing a comprehensive reference resource in a format that had the potential to be updated regularly. A CD-ROM was subsequently prepared that included additional materials and revisions of some chapters. The second edition will have a digital version that is Internet based for inclusion of additional figures and images, more color illustrations, and other enhancements, as well as advanced search capabilities. The Internet version of the textbook affords an opportunity for all authors to update their chapters on an ongoing basis, to ensure that the electronic version remains current with the very latest information.
        As always, we welcome suggestions and constructive criticism from readers. This input will not only assist in improving future hard copy editions but also help us to provide an Internet-based digital version that is as useful as possible.


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Medical Guideline Books


Re: Medical Guideline Books-6

Clinical Neuroanatomy - Richard Snell (CHM Version)

    SOURCE :
        Clinical Neuroanatomy - Richard Snell - 7th Edition.chm

        Richard S. Snell M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., MB, BS, MD, PhD
            Emeritus Professor of Anatomy - George Washington University, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC; Formerly Associate Professor of Anatomy and Medicine, Yale University Medical School; Lecturer in Anatomy King's College University of London; and Visiting Professor of Anatomy, Harvard Medical School.

        This book contains the basic neuroanatomical facts necessary for the practice of medicine. It is suitable for medical students, dental students, nurses, and allied health students. Residents fnd this book useful during their rotations.
        The functional organization of the nervous system has been emphasized and indicates how injury and disease can result in neurologic deficits. The amount of factual information has been strictly limited to that which is clinically important.
        In this edition, the content of each chapter has been reviewed, obsolete material has been discarded, and new material added.
        Each chapter is divided into the following categories :
            Clinical Example. A short case report that serves to dramatize the relevance of neuroanatomy introduces each chapter.
            Chapter Objectives. This section details the material that is most important to learn and understand in each chapter.
            Basic Neuroanatomy. This section provides basic information on neuroanatomical structures that are of clinical importance. Numerous examples of normal radiographs, CT scans, MRIs, and PET scans are also provided. Many cross-sectional diagrams have been included to stimulate students to think in terms of three-dimensional anatomy, which is so important in the interpretation of CT scans and MRI images.
            Clinical Notes. This section provides the practical application of neuroanatomical facts that are essential in clinical practice. It emphasizes the structures that the physician will encounter when making a diagnosis and treating a patient. It also provides the information necessary to understand many procedures and techniques and notes the anatomical “pitfalls” commonly encountered.
            Clinical Problem Solving. This section provides the student with many examples of clinical situations in which a knowledge of neuroanatomy is necessary to solve clinical problems and to institute treatment; solutions to the problems are provided at the end of the chapter.
            Review Questions. The purpose of the questions is threefold: to focus attention on areas of importance, to enable students to assess their areas of weakness, and to provide a form of self-evaluation when questions are answered under examination conditions. Some of the questions are centered around a clinical problem that requires a neuroanatomical answer. Solutions to the problem are provided at the end of each chapter.
        In addition to the full text from the book, an interactive Review Test, including over 450 questions, is provided online.
        The book is extensively illustrated. The majority of the figures have been kept simple and are in color. As in the previous edition, a concise Color Atlas of the dissected brain is included prior to the text. This small but important group of colored plates enables the reader to quickly relate a particular part of the brain to the whole organ.
        References to neuroanatomical literature are included should readers wish to acquire a deeper knowledge of an area of interest.

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Medical Guideline Books