Topic: Medical Guideline Books-2

Williams Hematology - 8th Edition

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        Williams Hematology - 8th Edition

        Kenneth Kaushansky, MD
        Ernest Beutler, MD
        Uri Seligsohn, MD
        Marshall A. Lichtman, MD
        Thomas J. Kipps, MD, PhD
        Josef T. Prchal, MD
        The rate of growth in our understanding of diseases of blood cells and coagulation proteins provides a challenge for the editors of a comprehensive textbook of hematology. The sequencing of individual genomes and the acquisition of knowledge in proteomics, metabolomics, and all the other burgeoning "-omics" fields as applied to hematologic disorders have accelerated the understanding of the pathogenesis of the diseases of our interest. The rate at which basic knowledge in molecular and cell biology and molecular immunology has been translated into improved diagnostic and therapeutic methods is equally impressive. Specific molecular targets for therapy in a myriad of hematological disorders have become reality, and it is not hyperbole to state that hematology has become the poster child for the rational design of therapeutics throughout all of medicine.
        This edition of Williams Hematology includes many changes, we believe, for the better. Each chapter has been extensively revised or rewritten to provide the most current information available. Two new chapters have been added, Chapter 10 entitled Epigenetics and Genomics, to reflect the growing importance of this basic science in hematology, and Chapter 28 entitled Principles of Multipotential Cell Therapy for Tissue Replacement. In addition, several chapters have been divided, most notably the single chapter on non-Hodgkin lymphoma has been split into its constituent diseases, and the chapters on erythrocytosis and thrombocytosis have been divided into the myeloproliferative and reactive forms, to reflect our growing understanding of the pathophysiology of these disorders and more targeted approaches to their therapy. Recognizing that at the heart of hematology is blood and marrow cell morphology, we have incorporated most of the collection of 274 images that appeared in a separate section of color plates in the 7th edition (as well as additional images) into the relevant topics in each chapter, allowing far easier access to highly informative illustrations and cellular morphology.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Last's Anatomy - 9th Edition - McMinn

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        Last's Anatomy - 9th Edition

        R. M. H. McMinn

        For this edition there has been extensive revision in many areas, with many additions on the clinical and applied aspects of the sbject, and innumberable textual changes throughout in the interests of clarity and accuracy.
        Students with future interests in orthopaedics may not feel disposed to get too excited about the pontine paramedian reticular formation, nor the budding opthalmologist with the axis of inversion and eversion of the foot, but both are part of the rich anatomical tapestry of the body whose normal form and function matter to all.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Handbook Of Diagnostic Endocrinology

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        Handbook Of Diagnostic Endocrinology

        JANET E. HALL, MD
            Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
            National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD

        The aim of the Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology is to provide a com- prehensive overview of current approaches to the diagnosis of endocrine disor- ders. Our ability to diagnose patients with diseases of the endocrine systems is expanding exponentially with the development of new and more reliable assay methods and the incorporation of both molecular and genetic approaches into our understanding of the pathophysiology of these diseases. Although the pri- mary focus of this volume is on the diagnosis of endocrine disease, the vast majority of endocrine diseases require long-term management; therefore, many of the chapters also discuss approaches to follow-up in these patients.
        The Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology comprises 16 chapters. Immu- noassays have long been the cornerstones of endocrine diagnoses. As an impor- tant background, Sabrina Gill, Frances Hayes, and Patrick Sluss discuss the many methodological advances that have expanded our repertoire of diagnostic tests. With the increased number of tests available for endocrine evaluation, it is incumbent that we understand the factors that affect assay performance and their impact on our ability to use these tools to aid in clinical diagnosis. Joseph Verbalis reviews the regulatory mechanisms underlying water and sodium metabolism and presents a comprehensive approach to disorders of body fluids, which are among the most commonly encountered problems in clinical medicine.
        Mary Lee Vance outlines the diagnosis and long-term followup of patients presenting with pituitary tumors, and Lynnette Nieman provides an approach to the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome that includes a critical appraisal of available tests. Although endocrine causes of hypertension occur in only 10% of hypertensive subjects, this small fraction represents a large number of patients. Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Dluhy present a thoughtful and efficient approach to the diagnosis of these disorders. Anastassios Pittas and Stephanie Lee then update the approach to the diagnosis of thyroid disease, including an important discussion of currently available assays.
        Regina Castro and Hossein Gharib present a cost-effective approach to evaluation of the com- mon problem of thyroid nodules and discuss the preoperative evaluation and postoperative followup of patients with thyroid cancer. Allison Goldfine pro- vides an overview of the diagnosis of the various forms of diabetes and a com- prehensive discussion of long-term monitoring of the primary disease and its complications. Robert Ratner reviews the important area of gestational diabetes, both its diagnosis and consequences, and John Service presents a clear approach to the diagnosis of hypoglycemia. William Donahoo, Elizabeth Stephens, and Robert Eckel provide a thorough discussion of the modalities that are currently available for the assessment of dyslipidemia and obesity.
        Benjamin Leder and Joel Finkelstein then review calcium metabolism and present a logical approach to the diagnosis of hyper- and hypocalcemia. Patrick Doran and Sundeep Khosla discuss the spectrum of osteoporosis and an approach to diagnosis and long-term followup based on the currently available tools. Margaret Wierman reviews the normal physiology of the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular axis and the physi- ology of erection, both of which are critical to the approach to evaluation of hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction. Drew Tortoriello and Janet Hall then discuss the physiology of normal menstrual function as a backdrop to their approach to the evaluation and long-term followup of women with disorders of menstrual function. Ricardo Azziz completes this volume with a practical and focused discussion of the evaluation of androgen excess in women.
        In Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology we provide the reader with a concise approach to the diagnosis of endocrine disorders that is based on an understanding of their pathophysiology and includes both clinical manifesta- tions and the most current laboratory tests available. This work will serve as a reference for students and fellows in training as well as an update for practicing endocrinologists and internists.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Endocrine Secrets - 5th Edition

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        Endocrine Secrets - 5th Edition

        Michael T. McDermott

        Completing the fifth edition of Endocrine Secrets is immensely satisfying to me. Most of the authors in this edition are the same individuals who wrote these chapters for the first edition in 1995. Their clinical experience, teaching expertise, and sage advice have grown so much richer over these years; this is reflected very clearly in the depth and quality of these present chapters. I am deeply grateful to them for contributing so much time, energy, and talent to the many students, house staff, fellows, and lifelong learners who have benefited from their efforts over the years.
        Michael T. McDermottI have also celebrated the opportunity to welcome new authors with each successive edition, ensuring that the tradition of teaching excellence will be passed on to new generations of equally talented and dedicated professionals. I am equally indebted to them for their generous efforts and valuable contributions. I hope once again that this book not only will instruct us and help us to take better care of our patients but will also highlight for us the privilege it is to provide healthcare to our patients, the honor it is to teach our colleagues-in-training, and the adventure it is to discover new findings that can make life better for us all.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Manual of Nephrology - 7th Edition

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        Manual of Nephrology - 7th Edition

        Robert W. Schrier MD
            Professor of Medicine - Division of Renal Disease and Hypertension - University of Colorado - Health Sciences Center - Aurora, Colorado

        The seventh edition of the Manual of Nephrology continues to focus on the practical clinical aspects of the diagnosis and management of patients with electrolyte and acid-base disorders, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, glomerulonephritis and vasculitis, acute or chronic renal failure, hypertension, hypertension and renal disease in pregnancy, and drug dosing with renal impairment. Because of the growing number of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), separate chapters are now included on treatment by chronic renal replacement therapy with dialysis and kidney transplantation. The Manual of Nephrology should continue to be of excellent clinical value for those caregivers encountering patients with the above disorders. This would include house officers, medical students, primary care physicians, nephrology fellows, nurse practitioners, and busy subspecialists outside of nephrology.
        I am very appreciative of the outstanding contributions by the authors who have made every effort to update each chapter with recent advances in the diagnosis and management of the spectrum of hypertensive and kidney disorders. This includes adding several new authors who are outstanding clinician-educators. The Manual of Nephrology is again dedicated to Professor Hugh de Wardener who has made enormous contributions to the fields of hypertension and nephrology as a clinician, scientist, and educator for over 60 years.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology - 23rd Edition

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        Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology - 23rd Edition

        Kim E. Barrett, PhD
            Professor - Department of Medicine - Dean of Graduate Studies - University of California, San Diego - La Jolla, California
        Susan M. Barman, PhD
            Professor - Department of Pharmacology/Toxicology - Michigan State University - East Lansing, Michigan
        Scott Boitano, PhD
            Associate Professor, Physiology - Arizona Respiratory Center - Bio5 Collaborative Research Institute - University of Arizona - Tucson, Arizona
        Heddwen L. Brooks, PhD
            Associate Professor - Department of Physiology - College of Medicine - University of Arizona - Tucson, Arizona

        We are very pleased to launch the 23rd edition of Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology. The current authors have attempted to maintain the highest standards of excellence, accuracy, and pedagogy developed by Fran Ganong over the 46 years in which he educated countless students worldwide with this textbook.
        At the same time, we have been attuned to the evolving needs of both students and professors in medical physiology. Thus, in addition to usual updates on the latest research and developments in areas such as the cellular basis of physiology and neurophysiology, this edition has added both outstanding pedagogy and learning aids for students.
        We are truly grateful for the many helpful insights, suggestions, and reviews from around the world that we received from colleagues and students. We hope you enjoy the new features and the 23rd edition!
        This edition is a revision of the original works of Dr. Francis Ganong.
        New 4 Color Illustrations
        We have worked with a large team of medical illustrators, photographers, educators, and students to build an accurate, up-to-date, and visually appealing new illustration program. Full-color illustrations and tables are provided throughout, which also include detailed figure legends that tell a short story or describes the key point of the illustration.
        New Boxed Clinical Cases
        Examples of diseases illustrating important physiological principles are provided in boxed Clinical Cases.

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Medical Guideline Books

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Ganong এর টা আমার কাছে ছিল। বাকি বইগুলোর জন্য একটা রেপু। আশা করি নিয়মিত বই গুলোর লিঙ্ক দেবেন।

Shout Me Crunch আমার ব্যক্তিগত টেক ওয়েবসাইট।

Re: Medical Guideline Books-2

শামীম ভাই প্রাথমিক চিকিৎসা(বাংলা) বইটা দিলে উপকৃত হতাম।

Re: Medical Guideline Books-2

Clinical Ophthalmology - 6th Edition - Jack Kanski (CHM Version)

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        Clinical Ophthalmology - 6th Edition

        Jack J. Kanski, MD, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth
            Honorary Consultant - Ophthalmic Surgeon - Prince Charles Eye Unit - King Edward VII Hospital - Windsor

        Clinical Ophthalmology has been a trusted reference through five editions for thousands of students and practitioners. Established as one of the world's leading ophthalmic resources it has now been updated for a new generation of readers with online materials including full text, downloadable images and self-assessment tools. These and many additional features ensure its continuing place as a leading textbook in its field.

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Medical Guideline Books


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The 5-Minute - Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult

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        The 5-Minute - Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult

        Millicent King Channell
        David Mason

        The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult is the first osteopathic clinical manual to be organized by diagnoses in a two-page, quick-reference format.
        The first page has a definition of the disease, a list of autonomic and motor innervations associated with the disease, and a list of common somatic dysfunctions.
        The second page has a list of techniques that might be used for those somatic dysfunctions.
        The 5-Minute Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Consult features include :
            Focus on time available with the patient Convenient pocket size with user-friendly two-page spread format
            Divided into the following sections : Topics (diseases and disorders), Techniques, Specialized Tests, and Summary Charts.
            For every diagnosis, the treatment options are divided into 3 sections : 2-Minute Treatment, 5-Minute Treatment, and Extended Treatment.
            Bridges the gap for those osteopathic students and physicians who need direction on how to formulate focused OMM treatments Billing information for each treatment
            Photos and schematics accompany techniques and tests.

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Medical Guideline Books


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Critical Care Medicine - Board Review - ACCP - 20th Edition

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        Critical Care Medicine - Board Review - ACCP - 20th Edition


        Rely on the ACCP Critical Care Medicine Board Review 2009 to review the type of information you should know for the Critical Care Subspecialty Board Examination of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). Designed as the best preparation for anyone taking the exam, this comprehensive, exam-focused review will cover current critical care literature and management strategies for critically ill patients.
        The ABIM Critical Care Subspecialty Board Examination tests knowledge and clinical judgment in crucial areas of critical care medicine. This premier course will review the information you should know for the exam.

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Medical Guideline Books


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Pediatric Surgery - 6th Edition - Volume 1 And 2

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        Pediatric Surgery - 6th Edition - Volume 1
        Pediatric Surgery - 6th Edition - Volume 2

        Jay L. Grosfeld
        James A. O'Neill, Jr.
        Eric W. Fonkalsrud
        Arnold G. Coran

        Tap into the definitive source that continues to serve pediatric surgeons throughout the world. With more than 200 expert contributors and under the new editorial leadership of Dr. Jay Grosfeld, this 6th Edition features comprehensive, up-to-date information on all aspects of childhood surgery, emphasizing congenital malformations, tumors, trauma, and urologic problems.
        Provides comprehensive coverage of cutting-edge technology in pediatric surgical diseases.
        Presents an organization by body region and organs for ease of use.
        Offers top-notch information from world-renowned experts in the field.
        Presents new chapters on bariatric surgery in adolescents and small bowel and multi-visceral transplantation.
        Features completely rewritten and updated chapters, ensuring the absolute latest in the areas of fetal surgery · neonatal surgery · congenital anomalies · trauma · childhood cancer · organ transplantation · ECLS · respiratory conditions · and alimentary tract disorders.
        Discusses the newest techniques and technologies available, including imaging concepts · minimally invasive techniques · robotics · and diagnostic and therapeutic advances.
        Offers new information on molecular biology and genetics to help you make informed decisions.
        Includes 25% new illustrations.
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Medical Guideline Books